Senior Prom

This past Saturday night was my senior prom and I'm so excited to be sharing some photos of that with y'all today! When I woke up on Saturday morning it was rainy so hard and the radar looked absolutely terrible! We were forecasted to have severe storms all day and throughout the night too which meant that pictures weren't going to be easy. But then in a surprisingly turn of events, the sun came out and it stayed out for the rest of the day! It was a prom miracle. 

I didn't go to prom my ingusan year so this year was my first and last prom dance and my selesai dance of high school. I can't wrap my mind around the fact that I graduate from high school in 25 days. That's crazy to me and as excited as I am to be down with high school, I'm in a bit of denial that I'm almost done. 

My prom dress was navy, shocker, I know, and I wore a pair of silver heels with the dress. For accessories, I kept it simple with a silver ring and instead of wearing my typical pearl stud earrings, I managed to find a pair of silver dangly earrings that had pearls on them. It's becoming an ongoing joke amongst my friends and I that I just can't go anywhere without my pearls, which is true. I've looked all over the internet to try to find a link to purchase my dress but the only one I've come across is via which if you're interested, click here to see my prom dress. I'll link the rest of my prom outfit details at the end of this post in case you're curious as to where I got everything!

What's your favorite prom memory?



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