Where I've Been

Wow. Hi there! Long time, no post. Really, really long time, no post. If you've been reading for a while then you know that it's never my intention to leave the blog without new posts for as long as I did. I hate having a day go by when no new content goes up because I don't like knowing that there isn't going to be an e-mail from sitting in your inbox when you check your emails in the morning. And, if we're being honest, I hate not having new content up for engagement purposes, too.

dress // shoes // earrings 

Blogging is something that I love to do. It's something that I enjoy sitting down to do and something that I dedicate a lot of my time and attention to. I'm proud to tell people about my blog and proud to be the girl behind this very website you're on right now. But sometimes, life has a funny way of throwing itself at you and forcing you to put the things that you enjoy on the back burner.

As I'm sure most of y'all are aware, especially if you're following me on Instagram (@northprepster) you would know that I graduated from high school last Sunday. Now I'm sure you've put the pieces together by now but the month and half that I was M.I.A here on NP was my last month and half of high school. I know what you're thinking, isn't the last month of high school pointless? What do you even do anyway? You're already into college so what's left for you to do? Let me start off by saying this: Yes, the last few weeks of high school are pretty light on assignments (at least at my school) and we don't do much aside from tying up loose odds and ends and wrap up our last topics. Yes, we're already into college and have made out decisions and no longer have to be worried about applications and deposit deadlines. But my last few weeks of high school were anything but pointless.

In the last 5 weeks of school I had a whirlwind of things going on. From Prom to AP & IB testing to award ceremonies and graduation rehearsals, graduation parties and graduation day itself. Don't take this the wrong way, while I definitely could have squeezed in time to generate new posts or shoot a couple photos of outfits to share with y'all, I opted not to. There were a few days when I felt bad about choosing not to blog but looking back, I'm so glad I took time away. My fellow high school graduates will understand me when I say that the end of your high school career is bittersweet. In a matter of 5 weeks you go from a high schooler who has always been told exactly what is expected of you and when an assignment is due to a soon-to-be college freshman and let me tell you, that's a BIG chance to cope with in such a short amount of time.

When you say goodbye to high school you're also saying goodbye to lots of your friends and depending on whether you're going out of state for college, like I am, you're saying goodbye to the past 18 years of your life. Even if you think you're ready to move on with life and turn the page into the next chapter of your life, one day, when you're just going about your normal routine, it will hit you that everything is ending.

The end of your high school career is such a fun time of your life and I'm glad I was able to devote my undivided attention to soaking it all in while I could. But now that all the graduation festivities are wrapping up I'm so excited to be back to blogging and am thrilled to begin sharing new content with y'all! I want to thank all of y'all for all your kind words and congratulations on my graduation and your encouragement as I begin this new chapter of my life. I wouldn't be where I am without all your kindness and support!



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