A Peek At My Week
This past week was a pretty low-key week in terms of how busy I was. With the 4th of July being on Tuesday, my nannying schedule was super easy this week and I didn't have a lot of other plans or appointments which left me with quite a bit of downtime. Whenever I'm super busy I always wish for more downtime but after having a week of downtime, I'm ready to get back to my busier schedule. I'm definitely one that likes to have things to do and I like to have plans made, I'm not very big into just sitting around all day because I never get anything done and I don't feel very productive and I'd much rather be crossing things off my to-do list!
On Saturday I got up at my usual 7:15am and quickly got dressed in some casual athletic clothes and headed over to the coffee shop that's a few minutes from my house. One of my former classmates works at this coffee shop so I always love catching up with her briefly while they make my drink.
After I picked up my coffee I had to drop a few things off at the post office and then headed home to tackle my to-do list for the day.
On Sunday I woke up at 7:15am and got dressed and then spent about half an hour cleaning out my dresser drawers. My drawers were overflowing because none of my t-shirts were folded, I still had all of my winter pajamas in some drawers so I spent a little while refolding my t-shirts, getting rid of old ones that I don't wear anymore, I refolded my athletic shorts and I put all of my winter pajamas into one of the big storage boxes under my bed. I also got rid of a couple pairs of jeans and in all honestly, I didn't even know I had that many pairs of jeans.Later that day my mom and I ran a few errands and then I spent the rest of the night blogging and watching Netflix.
On Monday I woke up at, yep, you guessed it, 7:15am because I had to nanny at 9am. Usually on Monday's I nanny from 9am-4pm but this day I only nannied until noon and then the mom of the little boy I nanny for took the rest of the day off to start off her holiday break.I got home from nannying around 12:15pm and then had lunch before doing various odds and ends around the house.
Tuesday was the 4th of July, I shared a whole post earlier this week with a full recap of my day so if you're curious to see what the 4th of July is like in my town, click HERE to read all about that! from this post
On Wednesday I woke up at 7:15am and even though I didn't have to nanny that day, I still got up and got dressed like usual and headed downstairs to fix myself an iced coffee and a bowl of strawberries while I worked on some blog posts.
Honestly, I spent my entire day either working on blog posts or watching various shows on Netflix and catching up on my YouTube subscriptions.
On Thursday I slept in until 8am and then quickly got dressed before heading out to pick up two of my friends, Lizzie & Emily, for brunch. It was a pretty rainy morning so it was a nice day to grab brunch and catch up with the two of them. Lizzie and Emily were both on the golf team with me last year so they filled me in on all their summer tournaments as well as just life in general.
After I dropped Lizzie and Emily off at their houses after brunch I headed home and responded to a few emails before heading back out into the rain for my 12:15 hair appointment. I went in knowing that I wanted to cut my hair shorter, but not too short so it will be a decent length for recruitment next month. Well, my hair is definitely shorter. Way shorter. You'll see my new length in next week's outfit posts or maybe on Instagram over the weekend but wow is it short! I like it though, I always love changing up my hairstyles and this will give me the chance to do some shorter hairstyles!
After I got home from my hair appointment, I quickly headed right back out the door to head over to nanny. I nannied from 1:30-4:30pm and once I got home I spent the rest of the night working on various odds and ends for the blog as well as doing some stuff online for USC.
On Friday I woke up at 7:15am because I had planned on nannying since I usually nanny from 9am-4pm on Friday's but the mom of the little boy I nanny for texted me right as I was about to leave and told me that he had woken up with a really high fever and a bad cough so she was going to try to get him in with the doctor. Since I was already up & dressed, rather than getting back in my pajamas and going to bed for little while longer, I took Callie for a walk with my mom around our neighborhood.
After we got back from our walk, I poured myself a mason jar of iced coffee and cut up some strawberries and cantaloupe and ate that while I did some planning for next week's blog posts and what I have to do next week.
I worked on various things on my computer for the majority of the morning and then around noon I decided to head over and get myself some Chipotle for lunch and since my dad's office is in the same plaza as the Chipotle, he walked over and met me for lunch.
While I was driving home from lunch, the skies kept getting progressively darker and the wind started picking up to the point where I could feel the wind pushing my car. By time I made it home, the sky was pitch black so I quickly headed inside.
My family and I always watch the show Big Brother during the summer (any other BB fans?) and a couple of our family friends had told us all about the live feeds for the show so my mom and I watched that for a while on my computer. After a while it finally started to storm but it only lasted for about 15 minutes and then it was perfectly sunny again. Later that night we did get a few other pop up storms with lots of thunder and lightning but I actually like storms (I have absolutely no idea why) so I didn't mind.
How was your past week?